
North America (U.S. and Canada)

North Carolina-Style Coleslaw

North Carolina coleslaw is coleslaw at its most elemental. No onions. No carrots or peppers. No mayonnaise. Just cabbage and peppery vinegar sauce.


North Carolina-Style Coleslaw

Recipe Notes

  • Yield: 6 to 8 cups


  • 1 large head green or savoy cabbage (2-1/2 to 3 pounds)
  • 1-1/2 cups cups Eastern North Carolina-Style Vinegar Sauce, or more to taste (see step 2)
  • salt (optional)

Recipe Steps

Step 1: Remove the core from the cabbage and discard it. Cut the cabbage into 8 chunks. Finely chop the cabbage in a food processor using the metal blade and pulsing the motor (this is a chopped, not sliced or slivered, slaw). Work in several batches so as not to overcrowd
the processor bowl.

Step 2: Place the cabbage in a large nonreactive bowl and stir in the Eastern North Carolina-Style Vinegar Sauce. Taste for seasoning, adding more vinegar sauce as necessary. Let stand for 10 minutes, then taste again, adding more vinegar sauce and/or salt as necessary. The coleslaw can be made up to 4 hours ahead. Store it in the refrigerator, covered.

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Steven Raichlen, a national barbecue treasure and author of The Barbecue! Bible, How to Grill, and other books in the …

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